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STEM Workshops

Our STEM programmes are about multifaceted learning content for students – and helping them gain key competencies and skills, not content recall. And it’s about linking them to the community for education, employment and entrepreneurship. Using various platforms with different outputs, students not only have fun learning but more importantly appreciate how they can apply what they learnt in class and solve real world problems with technology!  


From using Minecraft Education and micro:bits to Internet of Things and Pet Rockets, we will work with your students to build affordable, interesting inquiry and project-based activities to better understand important concepts in the science syllabus and visualize data across different science topics.  These activities are designed to pique curiosity in our children, spark their process skills and spur them to dive into underlying science concepts. The end goal is to allow students to enjoy science and value science as an important tool in helping them understand their natural and physical world better.








For enquiries on how students can apply computational thinking and process skills using technology to better learn a broad range of Primary and Secondary Science topics, do get in touch with our CT Science Specialist.   

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Using micro:bit, light and soil sensor to measure how different amount of sunlight and water affect plant growth. 


From learning baseline ICT skills, creating digital content such as apps, websites and games to building line tracing robots and working prototypes to solve real world problems using different micro-controllers, we will expose your students to different ICT and coding platforms, hone their computational thinking skills and develop their 21st CC competencies.  With our aim of nurturing a new generation of digital natives who are empowered to create with technology, encourage digital creativity and innovation, as well as foster collaboration and co-creation with their friends, our programmes integrate technology/coding with important skills including Design Thinking, Social Emotional Competencies as well as academic concepts to make learning of technology fun, easy and relevant.       

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Using micro:bit, ultrasonic sensor, buzzers and LED strips to create a prototype traffic light system that can warn the blind, deaf and those engrossed on their mobile devices to the traffic lights. 

For enquiries on how students can apply computational thinking and design thinking skills across different ICT platforms to create games, robots, prototypes and apps, do get in touch with our CT ICT Specialist.


From creating new static/dynamic 2D/3D structures using upcycled materials such as cardboard/straws and 3D printing to enhancing objects or environment through automation using different outputs & inputs, we will expose your students to the different engineering habits of mind and how they can enhance/solve real world issues such as sustainability, community, structures and processes through tinkering or making.  Students can infuse the Math and Science they learnt in class into building of realistic life-size structures or prototypes that help the community.  This help students realise that they have the ability to make things that work and make things work better!



Using Arduino, LEDs, light sensor and passive infra-red sensor, to create a prototype Smart Home with enhanced energy saving features to promote sustainability. 

For enquiries on how students can apply engineering and making skills in both primary and schools to create prototypes that can benefit the community, do get in touch with our Makers Specialist.


From using micro:bits to create math games, random number generators to creating math manipulative such as Trundle Wheel, Clinometer, Digital Weighing Scale and Timing Gates, we will work with your students and help them appreciate the application of Math concepts they learnt in class in real world equipment and environment.  We will also share how students can integrate Math with technology, computational thinking and problem solving heuristics to make prototypes and investigate mathematical relationships. More importantly, through hands-on making and experiential learning, students can have fun and see the relevance of Math in everyday life.        


Using micro:bit and its in-built accelerometer, students constructed a clinometer to measure angles, find height of objects and appreciate better trigonometry concepts. 

For enquiries on how students can apply computational thinking and problem solving heuristics to learn Math concepts and investigate mathematical relationships, do get in touch with our CT Math Specialist.


STEM Workshops

For Schools

37 Jalan Pemimpin 

Mapex Building

Singapore 577177


Tel: +65 6278 3028


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